Let's first start with the reason so many of us are bumping into the same generic artwork over and over again. You don't have to look any farther than search engines. This is the one tool that 95% of us use to find tattoos on the web. While it's the fastest, most efficient way to find what we want, the truth is that they just aren't very good at showing us where the great galleries are. It is page after page of low end galleries that will have the same leg tattoo designs as two hundred other websites!
If that wasn't bad enough, most of the artwork is close to a decade old and some of it wasn't even meant to be used as real tattoos. Most galleries don't care about the type of artwork they put up on their site, even for a leg tattoo. They only care about one basic thing, which is filling up their website with as much artwork as possible. This means that they will put up artwork that should never be used as a real leg tattoo.
When artwork is not drawn specifically for tattoos, they tend not to come out very good once inked on your skin. There are special ways that tattoos must be drawn in order for them to come out crisp and clean. Most of these galleries do have some good leg tattoo designs, but you might have to weed through fifty designs just to find one.
Which brings me to the last point when you searching for a great leg tattoo design online...
Since search engines are the number one way to look for tattoos, there aren't very many alternatives. The best alternative, though, happens to be internet forums. Why forums? Because this is where real live people hang out. They aren't robots like search engines are, which bring up random places with leg tattoo designs.
If you use a forum's "search" function, you can pull up all of the past topics where people were talking back and forth about tattoos. It's a piece of cake to stick your head into these topics and grab the links that people post. Men and women are always providing people with the galleries that they have found over the years and you can reap the benefits to find a great leg tattoo design. Most people will be able to find far better artwork this way than by relying on the first pages of search engine results.
If anything, it's simply another alternative to find the perfect leg tattoo design for your particular tastes.